National Heart Month

February marks the start of National Heart Month, which is all about raising awareness of heart disease and how to keep your heart fit and healthy.

There are around seven million people in the UK who are living with cardiovascular disease. However, in many cases it is actually possible to lower the risk of the conditions associated with this disease (mainly heart attacks and strokes), by making a few simple lifestyle changes.

People who regularly exercise are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who are inactive. It’s also possible for stress to contribute to cardiovascular disease, yet it isn’t a direct cause.

Here are some tips you can use yourself or pass on to a loved one this National Heart Month to keep your heart healthy.

Cut down on alcohol

While it’s not uncommon for many of us to enjoy an occasional drink, it’s important to stay within the recommended guidelines. So, whether you drink once a day, a few times or week, or on the odd occasion, always do it with care.


It will come as no surprise that one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease is smoking. Cigarettes reduce the level of oxygen in your blood and increasing your heart rate. Quitting smoking, or at least cutting down, will have a huge impact on your heart.

Eat Healthy

Eating lots of junk food can result in weight gain, which can increase your blood pressure and increase your cholesterol, which all negatively affects your heart.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way of looking after your heart in the long-term. It helps control your weight as well as reduce your blood pressure levels.

These are just some of the ways you can take care of your heart this National Heart Month. Want to incorporate this into your workplace? We have a wide range of occupational health services to help you and your team stay fit and healthy. For more information on any of our services get in touch with our team here.